
Ridley, Sarah

Contents include: Have you been vaccinated? -- Germs and the immune system -- Preventing infections -- Smallpox: from variolation to vaccine -- How do vaccines work? -- How do you vaccinate the world? -- Who discovered other important vaccines? -- How do people create a new vaccine? -- Anti-vaxxers and vaccine hesitancy -- Covid-19 vaccines: a case study -- What's the future for vaccinations?
Summary: An introduction as to what vaccines are, how scientists first developed them, information about the Covid-19 vaccination race, and other serious illnesses including malaria. The book includes the science behind germs and the immune system, the first inoculations performed in China using smallpox scabs, details of the early adopters of inoculation such as Lady Montagu in Europe and Cotton Mather in the USA, leading to Edward Jenner and the creation of the first vaccine. As well as the history of vaccines, the book looks at the modern science and issues around vaccines, covering topics, such as how you vaccinate the world, herd immunity, vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaxxers. The text is illustrated with archive and modern photography
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Non-fiction B027966
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