Fate be changed

Rochon, Farrah

Series: Twisted tale
Summary: Merida understands that as a picture of Clan DunBroch, she has certain obligations, but that doesn't mean she has to like it. Determined to chart her own path, Merida follows magical wisps to a witch's cottage, where she is given a tiny cake and promised it will incite 'a great transformation' in her mother. But instead of feeding Elinor the witch's cake, Merida eats it herself. Merida awakens in the past, with a teenage Elinor holding a knife to her throat and accusing her of espionage. And it just so happens that Merida's arrival has kept Elinor and Fergus from meeting. Will Merida be able to bridge the rival clans, help her parents fall in love and change her own fate?

Twisted tale.
Location edition Bar Code due date
Young Adult B021900