Thea Stilton and the riddle of the ruins (28)

Stilton, Thea.

Pellizzari, Barbara. Ferron, Flavio. Dami, Elisabetta.

Series: Thea Stilton Vol: 28
Based on an original idea by Elisabetta Dami.
Summary: The Thea Sisters participate on a dig at Hierapolis. During their visit to the excavation site, Professor Brenninger unearths a series of priceless and very old figurines. But the Thea Sisters soon figure out that it's a scam. They start to investigate and discover that the figurines are fake, exposing Professor Brenninger's plans.
Translated from the Italian.
Thea Stilton ; 28.
Location edition Bar Code due date
Fiction B026855
Fiction B026429
Genre:Mystery and suspense stories.
call #:STI