Auckland : Sabotage in the heart of Auckland

Roughan, John

Series: Auckland : Tale of a SuperCity
Article from the New Zealand Herald
28 August 2010: As Auckland merges to create a supercity, the Herald looks back at how Auckland has changed over the years.

Rainbow Warrior:
In the darkness of a winter night on July 10, 1985, twin explosions were heard from the waterfront in downtown Auckland. At Marsden Wharf, a trawler bearing the slogan "Nuclear Free Pacific" heeled and sank on her ropes.

So began an incident that reverberated around the world, brought down ministers in France and reinforced New Zealand's image, newly acquired in 1985, as a place where nothing nuclear was welcome.

That night in Auckland, skippers of a three-boat "peace flotilla" were meeting on Greenpeace's converted trawler Rainbow Warrior to coordinate their plans to sail to French Polynesia and protest at another season of nuclear weapons tests.
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