Auckland : The fall and rise of Ngati Whatua

Carlin, Darrell

Series: Auckland : Tale of a SuperCity
Article from the New Zealand Herald
28 August 2010: As Auckland merges to create a supercity, the Herald looks back at how Auckland has changed over the years.

The rise of Ngati Whatua, the demise of Ngati Whatua and then the rise again is a story laced with irony and of two worlds living side by side yet not knowing each other.

But perhaps we now have a better story to tell as, instead of a more divided future, what we are actually seeing is a more integrated community with everyone able to participate on equal terms.

Ngati Whatua o Orakei holds mana whenua over central Auckland and, with assets soon to hit the half-billion dollar mark, is fast becoming a
powerhouse in the city's economic and political landscape.
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