Auckland : Soldiers of fortune

Series: Auckland : Tale of a SuperCity
Article from the New Zealand Herald
26 August 2010: As Auckland merges to create a supercity, the Herald looks back at how Auckland has changed over the years.

A brief history of the Fencibles, British colony soldiers, and their settlements at Panmure, Howick, Otahuhu and Onehunga.

At midnight on December 28, 1956, the last tram left Onehunga terminal. Onehunga had ceased to be a place apart, the second biggest settlement on the Auckland isthmus, the town at the end of the tramline.

It had been absorbed by the city, as had other "Fencible" settlements, Panmure and Otahuhu, set up by Governor Grey in Auckland's first decade as a bulwark against a Maori attack that never came.
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